
Jaga üritust

Seminar "Design Culture"

28.09. 10:00–16:00
EARLY BIRD ticket (till 24.09.2017  23:59) 45€
During the festival 50€
Tickets will go on sale HERE
More info:
At the seminar "Design Culture" the design specialists from different countries debate about understanding and development of design culture in society. How are aesthetics, ethic, business, semiotics, education, technological heritage and organisation culture connected to design culture? Is the well-designed organisation capable of creating products and services of high design value? Does design thinking facilitate understanding of design being holistic and human-centred, not just creating beautiful things? How much will commercial success be influenced and can efficiency be the only big end for the organisation? Emotions are as important as intellect; immeasurable things are as important as measurable. We try to find the human side in business.

The seminar "Design Culture" leads us to humanity in design and business. Michael Thomson, a well-known design strategist, Jak Spencer, an expert of inclusive design and Oscar Tomico, a specialist on smart textiles show us the ways to improve the quality of life with the help of design. Christian Pagh from Denmark tells us how to vivify design culture in the context of organization. Kristian Keinänen, the president of Ornamo and Kristjan Mändmaa discuss about design education and design awareness. Jüri Kermik concentrates on plywood and furniture. Simo Heikkilä discusses about ebbing of hands-on abilities. Deborah Alden* from New York opens up the backgrounds of 21st century fashion industry. Thilo von Debschitz offers an interesting study to friends of graphic.
The seminar is moderated by Ilona Gurjanova and the panel discussion by Michael Thomson.

More information HERE

10:00-10:15 café and gathering

10:15-10:30 Ilona Gurjanova

10:30-11:00 Michael Thomson
Design-led strategy thinking for growth – sensitising cultures to design

11:00-11:20 Oscar Tomico
Textile thinking crossing over disciplines and scales

11:20-11:40 Christian Pagh
Making cross-disciplinarity real!

11:40-12:00 Deborah Alden
Brooklyn Fashion + Design Accelerator

12:00-12:20 Kristian Keinänen
Design Platforms for Urban Development – Case: Lahti Design Ecosystem

12:20-12:45 Lunch
Speacially designed lunch by Madis Rõuk

12:45-13:15 Jak Spencer
Design to Benefit Society

13:15-13:35 Kristjan Mändmaa
Que vadis, design education?

13:35-13:55 Simo Heikkilä
I need craft

13:55-14:15 Jüri Kermik
Estonia, Design and the 1980s

14:15-14:35 Thilo von Debschitz
Dr. Fritz Kahn and his adventurous journey through the human body

14:35-15:00 Panel discussion
Moderator: Michael Thomson

*Deborah's participation is made possible thanks to Estonia by The Baltic American Freedom Foundation's Baltic American Dialogue Program.