16.–22. SEPT

Jaga üritust

Exhibition “Biological Idiosyncrasies”

Tue-Fri at 12:00–18:00 
Sat-Sun at 12:00–16:00

Opening Tue at 18:00

For free!


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We’ve always been inspired by the interplay of glass and light, as well as the shapes, lines and quirks found in Nature. We now aim to bring them all together in one whole. 

Botanical structures display infinite variation. On one hand, there is the admirable, architectural orderliness, while elsewhere, one finds zany, inspiring chaos. Yet, neither is without purpose. Mostly unknown to us, every detail, every biome has a reason for being the way it is. 

In our new light objects, we hope to achieve something similar - to set predefined patterns of light, build glass structures and supportive framework that the light can play off of, then enliven them with wacky, quasi-biological constructs whose inner logic remains undeciphered. 

Light objects: Kati Kerstna, Kairi Orgusaar