International Design Forum „Empowering Spaces Through Design“
Thu 19.09.2024
at 10:00–16:00

Price 30–59 €
Get the tickets here!

Is good public space only a privilege of metropolises? What does it take to create a fine space? How can we make the surrounding environment more interesting? The Design Forum discusses how creativity can be employed to create a better physical and social environment. The focus is on sparsely populated and remote areas that have been revitalised via creative design thinking.

Cameron Sinclair

Cameron Sinclair is the founder of Worldchanging Institute, a global research and development organization that promotes and creates design solutions for humanitarian crises. Sinclair is also an adjunct professor at the University of Buffalo, where he teaches design diplomacy and humanitarian architecture. Prior to this, he co-founded Architecture for Humanity and led social innovation at Airbnb. He has received the TED Prize, the National Design Award and was recently named a finalist for the UIA 2030 Award.

Design for Life

In a world that seems to be falling apart, design can act as a mechanism to create lasting change. The complexity of resource scarcity, climate collapse, political instability and economic volatility are simply challenges looking for innovative and bold solutions. This is the new role of a designer and the infusion of authentic human creativity at the intersection of ethics and aesthetics may be our most important skill set - particularly in a time of artificial intelligence.

Stephan Clambaneva

IG & X @clambanet

Stephan Clambaneva is a sustainable design & circular innovation leader with global experience in business transformation and design innovation management. When not consulting with PARK clients or educating tomorrow’s design leaders, or mentoring startups, Stephan ensures a sustainable future for IDSA serving on New York Design Week, NYCxDesign’s Advisory Committee, evangelizing on the power of Design.

Design for Humanity - A Designer’s Manifesto

Today’s business landscape demands a shift towards impactful contributions to our world. Prosperous companies will be those that actively address pressing environmental & social challenges, presenting an opportunity for Design Leaders to step up and pivot from short-term ROI towards instilling a transformative humanity-centered & regenerative mindset. Merely incremental eco-improvements won't suffice anymore.

Spyros Bofylatos

Spyros Bofylatos is a design researcher and educator. His research looks at how research-through-design can comprehend how we can transition towards sustainability. His research sprawls around design for sustainability, craft, material driven design and social innovation. He has more than a decade of experience in design education and creative facilitation having taught in Greece, India, Germany, Portugal and the UK.

Feral Design

Feral Design aims to act as a transformative framework for design in the Anthropocene. This talk explores Anthropocene’s potential to navigate the crises of modernity through a speculative deconstruction of three discrete case studies of culture movements operating at the fringes of the law. This reveals valuable insights into creativity, adaptability, and diffuse design capacity.

Kitti Butter

Kitti Butter is a research-driven designer working at the Innovation Center of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) in Budapest. She holds an MA in Product Design from MOME. Her current work focuses on more-than-human placemaking and biodiversity resilience, with a special focus on pollinators. Kitti also engages in biodesign projects, working with mushroom mycelium to create biodegradable design artefacts, such as the Growing Objects lamp series.

Pollino: Bridging Disciplines for More-than-Human Placemaking

How can designers effectively engage in ecological placemaking and turn knowledge into actionable design solutions? In this talk, Kitti Butter presents the Pollino project, which integrates pollinator-supporting interventions into the city fabric to foster healthy ecosystems and encourage public engagement in biodiversity conservation.